Monday, September 29, 2014

Fall and Football California Style

We from the South know that fall weather is football weather. Most of my high school Saturdays during football season were spent watching Richard play, which usually involved me getting extremely angry at anyone who said anything bad about him. Aka, me asking a man behind me if he'd ever played quarterback in college and if not, shut it. Also, passively aggressively yelling "GO RICHARD YEAH NUMBER SIX!!!" as loud as I could when the person in front of me would criticize a throw. I was the queen of shaming people. I kept Kelly on her toes (understatement of the year).

ANYWAY. I didn't think I would be seeing many football games out here, but what do you know last night I got to see USC play. It didn't quite hit the intensity of the south, but it was super fun. I'm definitely missing fall weather down South, though.

Addison's full out walking now you guys and she has pink Converse.

Mary Nell and I had another small adventure. (You'll probably be seeing her name a lot since whenever we're together we end up doing crazy stuff.) Long story short, we decided to go to night church, which is at a different location than the morning services. Of course, we got lost (as always) and ended up being 30 minutes late. After, we went to Chinatown to eat with a group of people from church and I'm still not 100% positive where I ended up... I have no idea what was in my food, but whatever it was, it was fabulous. Then we decided we should hit Trader Joes, since there isn't one in Malibu, but before we got there, we saw an ice cream place that was open. Naturally, we pulled a u-turn and jumped in line. I'm like 95% sure there was some sort of alcohol in my ice cream. Welcome to LA.

Random: had dinner last night with a woman who was Winnie the Pooh at Disneyland for a while in her lower 20's. I might or might not have asked her questions about it for 30 minutes.

Differences in Malibu and the South:
1. The interstates are called freeways.
2. Lawyer is pronounced LOYer here. Which I think makes us Southerners right since LAWyers practice LAW. But whatever.
3. Leaves changing. They don't change here in Malibu, but inland they change a little. I'm definitely missing the fall scenery in Knoxville right now. (But let's be honest, the beach doesn't suck.)
4. They don't have Salsaritas or Moes out here. Guys... queso in general isn't a thing. I repeat: queso isn't a thing here. *cue hyperventilation*
5. Seals are everywhere in the ocean - it's so cool they come so close to shore you can see their faces and everything.
6. I've probably mentioned gas prices on here before, but they're so outrageous I might as well put them in every blog.

All of your prayers are so appreciated. I can already see God's hand in so many things that are happening here and at home. I was just telling someone the other day that as upset as I was when my parents moved to Texas, I'm thankful now because they're that much closer than they would have been - just one small example of His constant provision.

Kelly's coming to visit in less than 2 weeks so be mentally preparing for that craziness. It'll probably involve her dragging me to get my hair cut and me making her watch me get my nose pierced. Fun all around.

Peace, love, hootie hoo (in honor of rush at Samford)
Malibu Harbie

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