Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Malibu Insider Scoop

So many new developments over the past few days.

First of all, in case you haven't heard, there's been a huge heat wave in the LA area for the past few days and it is HOT. Malibu isn't hit that hard, but instead of the usual mid-upper 70's and breezy, it's in the mid 80's and breezy. Still not terrible. But I was in LA this morning and it got up to 109. ONE HUNDRED AND NINE DEGREES, PEOPLE. That amount of heat + smog = ew.

Second, I just started my new job (if you can even call it that). Basically, what I do is pick up an absolutely precious 12-year-old from school, drop her off at ballet, and head home. And guys this girl is awesome. Super outgoing and friendly, and her mom has the scoop on all things Malibu. I now know the location of Cher's house (which was Beyonce's house before that - yes, BEYONCE). I am also now aware that Julia Roberts and Barbara Streisand live within a mile radius of my house. I think we all know who my new best friend is going to be (hint: starts with J, ends with ulia Roberts).

But I'm pretty sure the best news of all is that I learned to surf. This is not a joke, y'all. My friend Mary Nell, who is basically the source of all my fun adventures, texted me the other day and essentially said, "Free surfing lessons, be here in 30 minutes." For all of you wondering, yes I did stand up, and yes my wipeouts were hilarious. I even bonded with one of the surfing instructors over how funny my face was when I realized I was about to wipe out. To quote him, my expression was "a cross between laughing at yourself and grim acceptance you're about to eat it." I kid you not, that's a direct quote.  For a visual, check out this video. Except I was actually surfing in the actual ocean amongst people who could actually surf. 

Surprising surfing trivia from my brain: 

  • Surfboards are heavier than they look
  • The waves are bigger than they look
  • The undertow here is much stronger than any I've encountered in the South. A couple of times I thought I might be caught in a riptide, but nope. Just the everyday current. 
  • IT'S SO FUN (see the text I sent my family below, including a valid question from Rich... Apparently my dumb texts don't phase them anymore. On April Fools Day this year, I texted everyone I was pregnant and my brother texted back that he was too.)

One of my best friends from Samford, Katie Holthouser, leaves to teach in Spain today (Sept. 18), and our goodbye FaceTime session was, of course, super dramatic. However, we both figured out that the reason neither one of us are too sad about being in different countries is because that's basically the situation we've been in. California = different country. Fact. But anyway, keep her in your prayers as she makes this transition. Follow her blog here. She's fabulous, guys.

Differences between Malibu and the South:
  1. The thingies on gas pumps that keep the handle down so you don't have to hold it yourself are different here. I'm not sure how to describe how they work (mainly because I still have no idea), but hear you me: it's a battle to the death and I usually lose. 
  2. I'm the only person I've seen who walks around with wet hair. Will this prevent me from going out with my hair wet from now on? No. 
  3. Drivers here are mean - the parking lot at the local grocery store is the earth equivalent to the battle for Helms Deep (if you don't get this reference, you should reevaluate everything in your life. Looking at you, Mom). For example, the first week I was here, I had my blinker on for a spot and was probably like 10 feet from it, starting to pull in when a woman jetted in front of me and grabbed it. I didn't know what to do, and I must have looked shocked because the guy in the car next to me flipped her off for me. I politely thanked him afterward - there's a first for everything.
  4. I almost ran over a preteen skateboarder today. I realize this isn't California-specific, but the nonchalance with which he sauntered away after our near accident was alarming. It should be noted that I had a green light and he was jaywalking (jay-boarding??), and was almost hit again right after our little rendezvous. 

Still trying to update this as much as possible... Sorry my thoughts are so scattered, but let's be honest, when are they not?

Love to all of you!

Malibu Harbie

P.S. Small bonus Addison video for all of you who haven't seen it on my Facebook. 

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